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Reflecting everyday living spaces and ways of life, Ruth Spitzer and Sarah Dorkenwald designed wallfurniture with today’s mobile society in mind. Wall furniture is a practical and innovative wall covering kit to move easily and create a cheap temporary home.

According to Oscar Wilde’s quote, “Illusion is the first of all pleasures,” we design assemblage interior settings printed on paper to feel genuinely settled even if the room is empty.

The illusion of invented space and the play with everyday objects and design classics also provoke questions about whether we still need ‘real’ produced furniture or if digital printing techniques offer the answer for unconventional, modern, and sustainable living solutions.

The magazine ‘Blueprint’ wrote: “Papers over the gaps. If you want designer furniture because–well because it just looks so chic, but you can’t afford it and you don’t have the space for it anyway. What better solution than to make like a modern-day tromp d’oeil artiste and use a picture instead?”

Design - Ruth Spitzer and Sarah Dorkenwald

Year - 2004-10

Presented - Salone Satellite, 2004

Print on Demand - Berlintapete, Berlin 

Award - _Wohnsinn, ‘Perspektiven 03,’ Basel, Honorable Mention

Details - 186 x 220 cm, Vliestapete DPX 465 

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